Saturday 17 December 2011

Mask Chapter 1

Tina was always was the best.

When we were kids she would always have the best toys.

When we were preteens she always had the best clothes.

When we were in highschool she always had the cutest boyfriends.

Now that we're adults she has the best voice, the best job and of course the best life.

I hated Tina yet she was my bestfriend.  How did that make sense?  We grew up together, we were always like sisters, yet I always wanted her life.  I wanted just for one day to be her.

Listening to her sing as I played the music in the background made me constantly relise that I was nothing more than a place holder of sorts.  I made the music but not one cared unless Tina sang the music.  I needed Tina to make people pay attention to me.  Just like when we were kids.

 The music ended, Tina finished her last note and with a quick bow she left the stage.  The cutain fell and I quickly gathered my music.

With a heavy sigh I turned and exited the stage following Tina. 

Just like I have been doing my whole life.

Slowly I walked towards her dressing room 'Today's the day!' I thought as I began to knock.  
"Come in!" Tina chimed.

"Hey Mia!" she greeted.
"Hey T." I said leaning against the door.
"Great show tonight huh?" Tina questioned.
"Mmm" I replyed flatly.

"Did you see all the people there tonight?!  Can you believe they all came to hear ME sing!" Tina said full of excitment.
'Oh ya, I can believe it.' is what I wanted to say but insted I just smiled and said, "It was a very shocking turn out."

She turned to face her mirror, "Urg, this hair!  I curl it for one show and then it goes all puffy!" she said smoothing down her hair.
"Ya, that sounds awful" I answered, "Tina could I ask a favour from you?"
"Sure!" she said getting out of her seat, "Go ahead!"

"Well you see I was wondering if-" was all I could say before Kurtis cut me off.
"Hey, hun I got the car parked out front ready to go?" he asked walking into Tina's dressing room.

"Oooh, okay!  Where we going??" Tina asked Kurtis, forgetting I was even in the room.
"I was thinking we head out to Guchi's for some dinner then hit the cocktail party the theater's having at The Prosper Room." Kurtis enthused walking infront of me.  Why did I always get pushed to the side?

"Ok!  Sounds great!  Just give me a minute to change and I'll be right out!" Tina smiled.
"But Tina I-" I tried to cut in, but failed.
"Alright meet me downstairs in five ok?" Kurtis said giving her a quick kiss before heading out the door.

I sighed then sat down as Tina quickly headed to her dresser to change.  'So much for my favour' I thought as Tina started chatting at me.

"Oh my!  What should I wear? The blue top or the red dress?" Tina asked me as though it was the most important decision in the world.
"Go for the blue top, the blue will make your hair colour pop." I answered.  

"Yanno," Tina began, "You should come along with us!"  Tina said slipping on her top.
"Nah, that's okay."  I said quickly "Wouldn't want to intrude."
"Aww come on!  A little night out would be good for you!  You really gotta get around more, yanno get yourself a boyfriend and all that." Tina said with a wink in my direction.

"Nah, I'm good." I sighed, "Besides, I have to practice tomorrow's piano peice.  You go ahead and have fun."  I said motioning for her to leave.

"You sure?" she asked again.
"Yes Tina, I'm fine.  Go have fun with your boyfriend!" I almost yelled.
"Okay then, bye hun!" she called as she ran through the door of her dressing room.  

"Bye." I answered when she had left.  Alone again.

I turned to face Tina's mirror.  I could be as pretty as Tina, if I dyed my hair red, got a tan and got rid of these zillions of freckles which attacked my face.  I sighed, "Why can't I be as pretty as Tina?"  I asked my reflection.

"Because," a voice called at me "You're already beautiful."

 I looked closer in the mirror.
"Lucas?" I asked "What are you doing here? And why are you still wearing that mask?"

Suddenly the lights dimmed.

"I promised you I'd teach you to sing..." he began.

Reaching out he grabbed my hand gently.
"...and now, I'm going to teach you." he finished, slowly pulling me forward.

Slowly and without a word he led me through the many halls of the theater.  I wan't sure where it was he was taking me, I had never been through these halls before.

I didn't try to pull away though, his grasp was so gentle, it was as though he thought I would break.  So slowly I folowed him up and down several hallways and up a flight of creaking stairs.

When we reached the top of the stairs everything was surrounded by darkness.  The only light I could see was coming from a room at the end of what seemed to be a hallway.  Slowly, Lucas led me to this room.

Once we entered the room he pushed me forwards causing me to land on the floor.  Without missing a beat he quickly turned and locked the door behind him.  

By this point I was afraid.  'Where am I?' my mind screamed, 'What is this place?'
"I'm sorry," Lucas said silently as he extended his hand.

My mind raced with thoughts like why he would take me here and why he wouldn't take off that mask.  I wasn't sure of anything at that point, I was scared out of my mind.
"It's alright," Lucas soothed "I would never hurt you."

I sucked in my breath, took his hand and slowly, very slowly he raised me up off the ground and led me towards his piano.

Once there he released my hand and sat down at his piano.  Silently he began to play the beautiful notes of music he had played in the theater only two days before.

"Sing." he commanded.
"But I-" I began.
"Sing." he commanded again.  

"Fine." I said letting in a deep breath.

I sang the lyrics without thinking twice about them, acually to be honest it was as though I wasn't thinking anything at all.  All my problems, regrets and the favour I wanted to ask Tina for just disolved into nothing at all.  It was almost as though the music Lucas was playing brainwashed my thoughts completely.

I sang and sang for what seemed like hours until finally Lucas rose from his piano bench and walked towards me.

My troubling thoughts returned to me all at once as he got closer and closer.  I was afraid of what his thoughts were at that moment.  Did he think that I sang well?  Was he ashamed of me?  I became more worried with every step he took, and I almost fainted when he was standing right infront of me.

Slowly, he took my hand "Beautiful" he whispered "but your stance is all wrong."
I blinked at him.  'What does he mean my stance?' I thought.
"Come, I'll show you" he answered sensing my confusion.

"Keep your back straight and sing from your diaphram." he said gently slipping his hand around me waist. 'Diaphtam?...' I asked myself, 'sing from my stomach?'

"Also, keep your chin up while your singing.  Never look down."  He said slowly lifting my chin.

"Now sing." he commanded.  I began to sing out some soft notes.
"Louder." he commanded.  I sang out the notes louder.
"Higher!" he demanded.  The higher I sang the more exhausted I became.  I was almost as though I was singing for my own demise.

"Higher!" he demanded again.  I sang as high and as loud as I could.  I sang until it seemed as though I could feel the notes, the music eating me from the inside.  I sang until my voice started giving out.
"Rest." he whispered.

...and that was all it took.

Click HERE if you'd like to rec.

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